5 cool things to expect from Android 13

5 cool things to expect from Android 13

This post talks about Android 13 features.

Out of all the smartphone users in the world, 70% of them use Android devices – businessofapps.

The first smartphones I liked were the Nokia Ashas. Then Microsoft Lumias. But I did not enjoy using the Lumias so much due to their limitations. My friends and family kept on telling me to switch to Android for a good time. Till eventually, I gave in.

The reason I like Android is because of the freedom it gives. Their UI is simple and easy to use, they regularly update their apps, etc.

Android 13 is an Android mobile Operating System that was released on 15th August 2022. It is important to note that is stable. New software at times tends to be unstable.

Here is what is inside Android 13 :

1. Faster QR Code scanning support

One had to install a QR code scanner or use Google lens in the past to scan QR codes.

Gone are those days, there is now a quick toggle to launch a simple QR scanner from your notification tray. The procedure is simple.

No more installing QR code scanner apps.

2. App language customization

In case you are a person who uses several languages, this could be a very good addition to Android 13: per-app language toggles.

This feature allows users to set specific languages for specific apps, separate from system settings.

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3. Security and privacy updates

Security and privacy are very important when it comes to Google. With each new Android release, Google makes the operating system more secure and more private, with more user control over the things that matter most.

Android 13 comes more secure.

4. Wi-Fi devices that are near

When an app needs to locate nearby Wi-Fi devices in Android 12, it mostly needs location permission. This is not so secure.

Google is introducing the new NEARBY_WIFI_DEVICES runtime permission in Android 13, which gives those apps a new option that does not require needless location access.

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5. Fast pair feature

Fast Pair is an amazing feature. It allows you to instantly pair your phone to accessories. E.g. Bluetooth headsets.

Instead of having to manually add them, your phone will easily alert you that something is around and ask you if you want to pair with it.


Android 13 comes with more interesting features than the ones we have listed above. Let us know which feature you are excited about in the comments.

ALSO READ: How to tell which Android version you have

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